the word unstoppable in large bold type with cartoom/silhouette of a t rex holding reachers triumphantly above its head stomping on the U


To connect with Unstoppable you can email or you can fill out this form and we’ll reach out to you!

If you’re seeking therapy, please know that right now I’ve got a waitlist, and I’m prioritizing people who specifically would benefit from my specialization: people who identify as neurodivergent or disabled, who are seeking a fat affirming provider, and/or who are seeking therapy that centers creative project doing. If that does not describe you, this document offers guidance on how to continue to search for therapy.

If you wish to meet in person, more information about the office can be found here.

This website has been designed to be accessed by a screen-reader, with embedded image descriptions and navigation cues. If something isn’t working for you, or you notice a way we can do better, please let us know by email or this contact form.